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Fantasize Page 2

  “Gemma. Is that you?”

  Mitch looked up and called out. “How about you leave a man and his girl alone to do what comes naturally?” Then he bent his head back down and kissed Gemma on the cheek so her face would be hidden. The man moved away and back over to the kitchen door.

  Mitch didn’t care about the pest anymore. All he could think about was Gemma. She moved her face so his mouth was on hers. His lips pressed against hers as she opened to him without hesitation. Could she be acting? Because Mitch was convinced she was enjoying this as much as him. He didn’t want to do anything to cause her more stress. Her body wasn’t shaking anymore. He would give her an Oscar if this was fake.

  His tongue delved into the velvety softness of her mouth and she didn’t resist. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. Her mouth was the only thing in the universe existing for him right now. Their tongues fought with each other as if they would never get close again and had to make the most of this moment. He pushed her back against the wall with his body, but she didn’t resist. Gemma thrust her body at his hard-on as she bit his bottom lip. He wanted to growl as she moved her lips from side to side. Did she have any idea what she did to him? This was like a fantasy come true.

  Mitch ran his hands down her back and over her butt cheeks, lifting her so her legs went around his hips. The material of her skirt ripped even more, but neither of them were about to stop what was happening. His cock was hard as he ground against her. He could feel the heat of her core through her panties. She groaned as he moved. The sound nearly sent him over the edge. He had never felt so guttural before. Gemma deserved better than this, than to be taken in an alleyway up against a wall.

  The door slammed and the area went dark again. It took every bit of his control to stop. He moved away and let her legs down. The two of them breathed heavily as they leaned toward each other with foreheads touching. He needed to say something. She probably regretted what she’d done already. He had tasted champagne in her mouth and she would probably not have gone near him sober. Had he taken advantage of her? He’d known exactly what he was doing.

  “You’re safe now. He’s gone.”

  She didn’t say anything and Mitch couldn’t see her face in the dim light. God, he wished he knew what she was thinking right now.

  “Thank you.”

  Was the thank you for the kiss and grinding her up against a wall, or for saving her?

  “Is there anyone apart from that jerk in there who can stand by you? I’d come in, but don’t expect I’ll get far. Sorry it got a bit frisky back there.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Cassi and Declan will get me home. The pain in the ass won’t do anything if they’re around. I’m sorry.”

  He wasn’t sure what she was sorry for. “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me what this was all about?”

  Gemma bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

  “Do the zip up on my jacket. It’s long enough and should cover you ripped skirt. With the hood up, we may get past the other paps, but I doubt it. I won’t let them touch you. Lift up your foot.” Mitch pulled the other heel off her shoe and threw it in the bin. He kept her on the inside of him as he put his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

  At the front of the restaurant, he made for the door as Gemma pulled the hood down over her face. The paparazzi weren’t fooled and the cameras started flashing. The guys could come after him for the story, but he would never tell. He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the door of the restaurant before Rodrigo could stop them.

  The bouncer went to grab him.

  “What do you two think you’re doing? This is a private function tonight.”

  Gemma threw back her hood and Rodrigo raised an eyebrow as he stared at her and then gave Mitch the once over.

  “It’s okay, Rodrigo. I took the wrong door and ended up in the alleyway. Mitch helped me get back past the other photographers.”

  “Lady, his kind, they don’t do anything without a reason. You got five minutes in here, Mitch. Then I throw you out.”

  Mitch followed Gemma across the restaurant to Declan and Cassi’s table. Other members of the Dark Storm cast and crew were scattered around the restaurant. His fingers itched to pick up his camera. Cassi shook her head as she stared at Mitch’s oversized jacket on Gemma and then at him.

  “Why do I think we have a bit of a story here?” Cassi said as she pulled Gemma to sit next to her.

  “I got stuck in the alleyway out the back and Mitch helped. I was a fool and took the wrong turn after I left the restroom. The waitress said it was a short cut back to here,” Gemma said.

  Declan stood and patted Mitch on the back.

  “Thanks, mate. We were wondering where she’d got to. Do you want a drink?” Declan said as he pointed toward the bar. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to see you and say thanks for helping out Cassi when I was in New Zealand.”

  Mitch was about to say yes to a drink and socializing with the elite, when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see Rodrigo.

  “Some of our patrons would prefer if you left now.”

  “That was a quick five minutes.” Mitch didn’t get intimidated by many people, but he didn’t want to cause a fuss. He knew when to pick his fights.

  “I should go. Thanks, Declan, but I think we both know I don’t belong here.” Mitch turned to go and Gemma stood and grabbed his arm. She pulled off his jacket and gave it back.

  “Thank you, Mitch.”

  She reached up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. For a second, he thought about pulling her into his arms right there in front of everyone. Then common sense kicked in. When she touched him, reason seemed to go out the window, but he had job to do and it made him an outsider here.

  “Glad to be of service, anytime.” He did a fake bow and left. Rodrigo followed him to the front door. Mitch scanned the faces in the restaurant to see if he could pick out the guy from the alleyway. He didn’t have a clue, though a few of them were gawking at him as if he was something the dog had dragged in. Out front, one of the paparazzi, named Ralph, came over.

  “I saw you with Gemma Cassini. What’s going on there? You holding out on us and she’s been swinging on your dick?”

  Mitch took a deep breath and felt his anger rise at the comment. He didn’t like someone talking about Gemma like that. It would do no good to lose his cool now. He had to play this like he didn’t think anything of her.

  “I was taking a leak down the alleyway. She took the wrong turn out through the back, fell down some steps, and broke her shoe. I did the gentlemanly thing and helped her back inside.” He went to turn away, but Ralph wasn’t giving up.

  “You ain’t no gentleman. I’ve seen you lying in shit to get good shot like the rest of us. You could’ve got a pic right between those sexy legs as she stood on the steps.” Ralph smirked.

  “Not everyone is an asshole like you.”

  Mitch wanted to thump Ralph and take that filthy smirk off the prick’s face. Instead, Mitch pulled his jacket back on. It smelled of Gemma and the perfume he’d noticed before. It was going to take a while to forget what happened with her in the alleyway. In fact, he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to. He was a paparazzo and she was a TV star. No matter how good it had felt to be pressed up against her hot little body, it was going nowhere.

  Chapter Three

  Colin frowned at her again. This was the fifth take and she had messed her lines up again. Gemma needed to concentrate. Three weeks had passed since the night at the restaurant and her little moment with Mitch in the alleyway. It didn’t matter how long it had been. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. She was behaving like a silly girl with a crush on the hot guy in school. The one guy who’d make her tummy do a flip when she looked at him. Mitch was a paparazzo and she’d probably not even entered his head since then, as he went on to further conquests. She considered with his looks there would be plenty knocking on his door. Six-feet tall, with that sexy little man bun. The whole
unshaved Hispanic appearance made her go hot between the legs.

  For all she knew, he might have bragged about how easy she was that night. He was right. If the two of them hadn’t been interrupted, she would have been thinking with her pussy and not her mind. She wouldn’t have regretted a minute of it. Gemma still wondered what it would feel like to have him inside her.

  At twenty-seven, she was no virgin. She’d been around the tracks a few times in New York, before she came to L.A., but no one had turned her on like Mitch. She remembered the first time she saw him at the charity auction. She thought him incredibly sexy and somewhat aloof. It simply added to the fact she wanted to drag him away and get down and dirty.


  That night he hadn’t had a camera in his hand and stood with his back to the wall. He appeared to be constantly observing. Gemma smiled as he shook his head. She did the same thing herself sometimes as she partied with the rich and sometimes empty-headed. Then his eyes locked on hers.

  She heated up at her core from his stare. This wasn’t a brief glance he gave her from across the room, but a connection. It was as if the link was already there. As if the two of them had known each other in some previous existence and that they’d partaken in uncontrolled sex in said previous existence. This wasn’t two strangers. It was merely stupid thoughts going through her head, but they felt so real.

  Someone touched her arm and she turned to greet them. It was Cassi. She also saw Declan. He knew the paparazzo she was ogling. It was because of some favor that the guy was here tonight. She wanted to know more. She grabbed Cassi’s arm and whispered.

  “I’ve bought one of the photographs from that sexy friend of yours over there. The man’s work is stunning. Tell me about him before I go over and embarrass myself.”

  “He helped me when Declan was away. He’s a good guy even if he’s doing a shit job. You’ve gone red, Gemma. Are you interested in him?”

  “No. I’m just ogling.”

  From Cassi’s expression with a raised eyebrow, she seemed unconvinced.

  “I see we’re making lots of money, which will make Deanna happy. You think being Hollywood’s top interviewer would be enough. She is a pain, but I love her,” Cassi said. “It’s great, however this isn’t merely about helping women but their kids as well.”

  Cassi’s eyes watered. Gemma knew Cassi’s life had been tough in the past. It made her feel worse for trifling with Declan. Deanna, on the other hand, could be the reporter from hell, or so Gemma had thought. Then she discovered from Cassi that Deanna had experienced abuse as well.

  When Gemma arrived in L.A. people typecast her as a spoiled brat from New York. She hadn’t been given the benefit of the doubt by a lot of press. Deanna had been scary but fair when she interviewed her. Plus, Gemma liked the woman’s attitude of “don’t get mad, get even.”

  “You look like you’re miles away. Are you enjoying it tonight?” Cassi asked as she touched her arm and Gemma jumped.

  Gemma came back to the real world. “I love it. In the world of movies and make believe we can forget the real issues. I really want to help. I haven’t done enough in the past, and been too tied up in myself. I do have another favor, though.”

  “Yes.” Cassi grinned at her.

  “I lied. I’m interested in the paparazzi guy. Is there any chance you can introduce me?”

  Declan wagged his finger at her.

  “Don’t go into piranha mode, Gemma. Mitch is a good guy as far as paps go. What he sells tonight will go toward the shelter and he’ll take nothing for himself.” Declan wagged a finger at her. “It’s not the first time he’s done it, either. He gives his time to the shelter, teaching photography or doing head shots for job applications. Don’t mess him about and spit him out, right?”

  “I won’t. I promise.” Her throat went dry now she was going to meet him.

  Declan winked then turned and motioned for Mitch to come over.

  There Mitch stood before her, so large, and she felt tiny. She needed to take a deep breath with him so close.

  “Mitch, may I introduce my pain-in-the-neck co-star, Gemma Cassini,” Declan said.

  “Don’t be so mean, Declan,” Cassi offered.

  Mitch put out his hand and leaned forward to peck Gemma on both cheeks. She never believed it when people said they felt sparks going through their bodies when they met someone. The truth was she tingled next to Mitch.

  “Hi, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Gemma.”

  Breathe and speak to the man before he thinks you’re some idiot. No words came out as she stared at him. Fuck. She was an idiot for real. Could he just grab her and take her outside so they could have sex up against a wall? She hoped he couldn’t read her mind right now.

  “Hi.” That was all she could manage.

  “So, how are you coping without a camera in your hand?” Declan asked as he thumped Mitch on the back.

  “It’s killing me. I feel like something’s missing. I’m used to viewing the world through a lens. I’d say some things appear fake, some manipulative, and some downright good.” Mitch threw her a sideways glance. He seemed downright good to her as well.

  “Your work’s great. I’d love to know more.” She sounded trite, but it was all she could come out with for now.

  Mitch gave the impression he was about to speak when her manager, Julia, touched her arm.

  “There you are, Gemma. I’m sorry, guys, but I have to steal her away for one minute.”

  As Gemma walked away, she glanced back over her shoulder and mouthed the word “sorry” to Mitch and the others. Mitch raised a glass to her. Julia was guiding her across the room to another group of people. There was no way this was going to be just a minute.

  “Kurt Donner is here, and he’s talking about wanting you for the lead in his next movie. He’s talked about Greta Jones as his other choice, and we need to get in there now.”

  Gemma said hello to Kurt and the other studio people with him. She feigned interest. A moment ago, she would have been excited about the prospect, but now she wanted to get back across the room and find out more about Mitch. When she got the chance, she turned to see what he was doing. He was gone.

  Julia whispered in her ear.

  “Pay attention, honey, or at least act as if you’re interested. If you’re needing some loving, I’ve a few up and coming stars on my books that will help you out. In fact, they would give their right arm for a night with you.”

  Gemma shook her head. She loved Julia, but her manager and close friend could be a bit much at times.

  “I couldn’t do that to you. You’d have to find them jobs for one-armed characters and I know how difficult it would be.”

  “He’s a sexy paparazzo, but remember, he’s still a pap.”

  “It’s okay. I’m only window shopping.” Gemma turned her attention back to Kurt. She had done Broadway and now TV, and a movie was the next step. Kurt was a great director and she would be a fool to pass this up. It reinforced the fact she had no clue what she actually wanted. No, that wasn’t true. If she got a chance to meet Mitch again, she would find a way to get him in her bed.


  Three weeks should have been long enough for her to get over the infatuation but it wasn’t. Now she was back on set and couldn’t keep her mind on anything.

  “Take five and then we’ll go again,” Colin said as he went off to study the takes they’d already done.

  Gemma went to her dressing room. She needed to take the five minutes to get her mind back on track. This show was what she wanted. She had left New York and was making it on her own. That didn’t explain why she still felt so alone. Julia was a good friend and they could get pissed together, but it wasn’t enough. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and gulped it down. She wasn’t eating or drinking right. She needed to get back into a routine. There was a knock at the door.

  “Yep. I’ll be out soon.”

  The door opened and Brandon walked in. This creep was all she ne
eded. He shut the door behind him and stood there to block her exit. The room was warm, but a shiver ran over her body. If she had the power to get him thrown off this production, she would. The trouble was he seemed to have friends in high places and kept the peace around others. People would think it was simply her imagination.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were avoiding me, Gemma. We both know you don’t want to do that.”

  Gemma was going to stand her ground. If she screamed, security would come. She didn’t want it to come to that, but if he pushed, she would.

  “I would say that is exactly what I want to do. I didn’t want to be so blatant, but you refuse to take the hint. I’m not interested in a relationship with you.”

  Brandon’s left eye started to twitch and he fisted his hands. For a moment, she held her breath. He was weird, but she’d never thought he would hurt her. He stepped back and seemed to gain some composure as he grinned. Gemma folded her arms across her chest and kept the chair from her desk between them.

  “My dearest, Gemma. I didn’t want to bring this up. I’m giving you one last chance to realize we’re meant to be together. If not, I’ll embarrass someone close to you.”

  What the hell was going on here? “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s say the fact your brothers are all six-feet tall and you look nothing like your father is not a coincidence. We finish filming in a couple of weeks and I have a house away from the city. I want you to join me there. It would be a pity to see your mother lose her standing in the New York Catholic community.”

  A knock came to the door and one of the assistants popped her head in.

  “Colin wants you back on set, Gemma.”

  Gemma rushed past Brandon before he could make a grab for her. Her whole body went cold from what he said. A part of her knew there was truth in the statement. She headed back to the set, trying to stop the tears forming in her eyes. She would get this day finished and try to work out what to do next.