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Never Give Up on Love (The Soul Mate Tree Book 7) Page 4
Never Give Up on Love (The Soul Mate Tree Book 7) Read online
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“No, it's fine. I’m an early riser. Sorry, I’ve had a few prank calls.” She wasn’t about to tell him she was wrapped only in a towel, and her heart was pumping so hard she thought it would pop right out of her chest.
“I know this is a bit sudden, but I’m coming down to Bath next weekend to see some old friends. I wondered if I could do some business at the same time. If you’re free on Saturday, I’d love to take you to dinner. We could discuss your ideas for the shoot. That is, if you wish to go ahead with our business proposition.”
Okay, don’t faint.
“Who are you talking to?” Carla walked in, and Adele put her hand up to shush her. Carla poked out her tongue and Adele gave her the bird.
“If you text me the details of where you’d like to meet, that would be lovely.” Why the hell did she say lovely in such a high-pitched voice? “I look forward to meeting you.”
“Likewise. I sincerely hope we’ll be able to work together.” Then he rang off.
Adele cringed. As professional phone calls went, this one was a dud.
“So, who were you talking to?” Carla asked.
“You’re not going to believe it, Vincent of V.T just called me. He’s in Bath this weekend and wants me to go to a business dinner. Oh, my God, I don’t think I could’ve sounded any more gormless. I accused him of being a crank caller.”
“Get dressed while I put the jug on. Then you can tell me exactly what he said. You’d better not have messed up my chance to meet the sexy Tristan,” Carla yelled over her shoulder as she headed out to the kitchen.
Adele tugged on her jeans and T-shirt, and eventually calmed down as Carla made tea and toast. Adele wasn’t sure her stomach could cope with eating right now.
“So, this is a date. He must have Googled you and seen what he likes.” Carla smacked her on the butt as Adele left the kitchen.
“The market for overly-tall women with red hair and big boobs is not as large as you think it is. Svelte little Italian type girls like you steal the show. It’s not a date. He said business meeting.”
Adele’s phone pinged with a message. The name of the most expensive restaurant in Bath came up.
See you at seven thirty. Vincent Blake.
Carla watched as Adele tried to stop hyperventilating. “This is crazy. I can kill vampires, so why am I shaking about getting dressed for a dinner? It says The Dower House, doesn’t it?”
“In fact, it says, ‘Private Villa at the Dower House.’ Wonder how much that costs. We’re going to have to buy you something new. I’ve an idea what would look perfect.”
Adele gestured in protest. “I can’t afford to buy anything.”
“This is business, and you need it. It will be a tax write-off anyway. I’ll head home and change, then see you in town.”
Chapter 3
Tristan strolled leisurely into the breakfast room and poured some coffee. “So, are you going to call her or are you going to stare at the phone until it explodes?”
Vincent jolted, realizing he still held onto his phone as if Adele lingered on the other end. It might as well have been a magical object, granting him his wish. Could this be happening after so long? Could he have finally found his soul mate? He shook his head disparagingly.
Remember, Adele doesn’t even know you.
“I’m seeing her for a business meeting on Saturday.” Vincent couldn’t keep the grin off his face.
“I’ve known you for hundreds of years, and find it hard to accept you still believe in this fairy tale about a woman you love. On the night I found you, you were definitely the worst for wear. Anything you imagined would’ve been the delusions of someone near death.”
Vincent didn’t want to listen to Tristan’s rationale right now. Believing in the impossible held more appeal. “You’re probably right. I’ll tell myself I’m contacting her because she’s an excellent photographer. Which, by the way, she is. I know it’s unwise, but I have to meet her, even if it’s to rid myself of the fantasy and accept my lot in life.”
Tristan grinned. “You’re my dear friend, but you’re also a vampire, and she’s a witch who hunts us down. I’d call it a little more than unwise.”
“She hunts down the tainted of our kind. The covens won’t touch us.” Vincent wasn’t so sure though, as the euphoria of the phone call wore off.
“True. Still, I can’t see a hunter professing undying love for any of us either. You’ll have a hard job on your hands convincing her otherwise.”
Adele would put a stake through his heart when she found out his true identity. Vincent must play this carefully, because whatever happened, he didn’t want her hurt. He’d rather cope with the loneliness of having lived so long than see her in pain.
Vincent stood to leave. “I’m heading into town to the store today, and then I’ll drive down to Bath tonight.”
“Are you going to stalk the poor woman?” Tristan laughed.
If anyone else had said it, Vincent would’ve flattened them. “I prefer to say it’s research for our up and coming business meeting. By the way, from the reports I’ve read, she can more than handle herself.”
The dark sky threatened rain when Vincent arrived at their store on Saville Row. He tended to wear a hat and dark glasses during the day, and have the collar of his coat pulled up. It wasn’t hard to cope with a small amount of time outside on a dull day, but bright sunshine would have him burning up. Stay out long enough, and he would die.
He’d contemplated death enough over the years, but the hope—that he would find the woman by the tree—always stopped him. Vincent truly believed in his heart Adele was that woman.
The shop bustled with activity as staff saw to clients. He waved to his manager, Charles. The staff didn’t need him on the main floor, and Vincent made his way through to his office.
The new refit of the main showroom gave him a lift in his step. The store looked bright and clean with crisp edges. Gone were the dark woods and secret corners of the past. Some clients still liked the old ways, and there were other shops on Saville Row who could pander to them. So far the changes didn’t seem to have affected V.T’s client list.
Living so long meant he needed an interest. Neither he nor Tristan designed anything, but enjoyed being part of the process. The two of them managed to help charities, such as one for homeless children and another for a women’s shelter. It was their way of making up for what the tainted feeders did to humanity.
Vincent spent the next few hours working on the accounts. Keeping abreast of how things were going helped maintain his sanity. This was not the time to mess up, as a lot of money would be spent on this photo shoot. Tristan would be watching.
He pulled out his pocket watch and flipped it open. The old-fashioned watch was an affectation he could get away with in his business; besides, he might start a new trend. It was the only remnant of his past life that still existed. Inside was a picture of his mother and sister, and it still hurt to know he could have saved his family with the money he now possessed.
V.T Tailoring had modernized by increasing its made-to-measure line, as most people were on the go and wanted good quality in a short time. The bespoke suits were always popular, and he found it convenient to suggest things in the styling to benefit his vampire colleagues as well.
Their range of fedoras sold well, especially as some movie stars now wore them. Vincent could keep the sun out of his eyes and look perfectly normal.
Charles came in with some pictures for the new collection, setting them on the desk. As always, the designs were brilliant.
“I hear we might be using the up-and-coming Adele Carey for the shoot in Norway. I’ve seen her work, and I think she’ll offer a new take on things. Has she said yes?”
Vincent pinned on a straight face to keep it professional and hide his enthusiasm. �
��I’m meeting her this weekend to confirm. If all goes well, the shoot can take place in two weeks. So, Charles—my friend—will everything be ready?”
“It will be more than ready. It’ll be perfect. I think the starkness of Norway will be amazing with our suits, and the flash of color I’ve added will stand out. Glad I pointed Adele’s work out to you. By the way,” Charles said slyly, “I hear she’s quite a stunner. Red hair and a fiery temper.” He gathered up the designs.
“Hopefully, she’ll find our products irresistible.” The truth was, Vincent just wanted her to find him irresistible.
~ ~ ~
Night approached as Vincent headed out of London. Like all his kind, he preferred the dark. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
Soon, he’d see his Adele. His heart beat fast as excitement both thrilled and terrified him.
After booking into the Crescent Hotel, he changed into more casual clothes. Adele lived a short distance away and he wanted to check on the flat. Vincent told himself it was because he was concerned for her, but deep down, he couldn’t stay away.
He pulled up outside her flat as Adele stepped through the front door, accompanied by a shorter woman. After all this time, he could finally believe she truly existed. Both were dressed in dark colors and wore long coats and backpacks that he knew would carry stakes for killing his kind.
All thoughts of romance fled his brain.
Vincent watched as the women drove off in a small van. He’d hoped to see Adele for the first time in a less stressful situation, but it wasn’t to be. Vincent’s heart wanted to protect her from the tainted of his kind at all cost; to sweep her into his arms and keep her safe. Instead, he needed to take a back seat and accept she could look after herself.
Vincent drove a short distance behind while Adele headed to the outskirts of Bath, toward Trowbridge. The small country town appeared quiet at this time of night. Earlier he had spoken to Tristan, who assured there were no sightings of the tainted in the area. He followed Adele’s van down a street busy with revelers. Cars were parked along both sides of the narrow road, as young people yelled and rushed about.
A private party had gone wild. Where were the police? Suddenly a bottle smashed in front of his car, causing Vincent to swerve to avoid broken glass.
Further up the street he found a place to park, noting Adele’s van in front of a normal-looking terraced house.
Adele and her friend jumped out of the van and mingled with the young people. The two women held themselves upright and in control, like two sleek leopards on the alert for food.
Both women strode down a lane between the houses. Vincent raked a frustrated hand through his hair as he decided what to do next. He didn’t like not knowing where Adele was or if either needed his help. Tristan would give him hell, but he needed to make sure the women were safe. Of course, Adele and her friend were hunters. He needed to keep reminding himself of that fact.
Vincent strolled past the revelers. Luckily the kids were too distracted to notice another stranger in their midst. Curtains were pulled back as neighbors viewed the destruction happening on their doorsteps. Then the police finally arrived, and Vincent took it as a cue to disappear, following after Adele and her friend as they strode down the alleyway. For hundreds of years he’d been calm when approaching a fight, but not tonight. Had he found his love, only to lose her?
The lane led to a deserted street. The women opened a gate and trekked up the path to another house. Adele peered in the windows, then beckoned her friend to follow her to the rear of the house.
Vincent paced back and forth in the garden at the front of the house. He needed to do something, anything.
A flash of light came from the back garden.
That’s it. He couldn’t wait any longer.
Someone screamed.
The sound came from an old wooden shed at the bottom of the garden. Vincent peered through the window of the shed to see Adele fighting a vampire. Any doubts about her abilities as a hunter were gone. The woman he had chosen was a killer.
The crazed expression on the predator's face revealed the creature as tainted. Adele parried and thrust with two short blades, but the vampire moved with great speed. The light within the shed wasn’t strong, but Vincent spotted fangs covered with blood, dripping down the monster’s chin. The bastard had fed already.
Adele’s friend grabbed a young girl around the shoulders to drag her away. Vincent could smell the blood from the gash on the girl’s neck. His fangs protruded, ready to join the fight if need be. Another part of him was disgusted at his reaction, knowing Adele would kill him too.
The door of the shed flew open as the vampire lunged toward his escaping victim. The rogue gripped the young girl's arm, causing her to scream. Adele’s friend slashed the creature’s forearm with her dagger until he let go. Pivoting, she dragged the screaming girl behind her.
Its rational mind gone, the predator screeched at discovering its food was being taken away. Adele’s friend rushed the girl to the front of the house as Vincent hid in the shadows. It was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his long life to just watch, and not help.
Adele jumped on the tainted and pulled his head back, so her knife could slice through its throat with ease. She let go, and the bloodsucker fell to the ground, a gurgling sound coming from his throat. Adele grabbed a stake from the stash on her belt and shoved it into the chest of the parasite.
Vincent had killed many tainted over the years, but to see the woman he considered his soul mate dispatching this rogue confused him. He was proud and scared at the same time, not to mention the biggest fool on the planet, too.
Adele bent down and checked the body. Vincent held his breath as she took an axe from her backpack and hacked the creature’s head off. Within seconds the body turned to dust as if it never existed.
Vincent shivered as he stared at the dust to see the stake disappear along with the vampire. His own mortality had been played out before him, but it didn’t change his longing for her.
Adele made her way to the front of the house where her friend and the young girl waited. Vincent moved closer so he could hear what they were saying.
Adele’s friend winked. “This young lady needs to find her friends. She tripped and fell climbing a fence and cut her neck. Isn’t that right?”
The girl nodded and wobbled on her legs as if they were about to give out. She rubbed her nose on her sleeve and sobbed. “My buddies wanted to break into that house. Said stuff in there would make us high.”
“Let’s take you back to your friends,” Adele urged.
Vincent hid behind the dangling branches of a tree as some of the girl’s friends hurried down the alleyway. She ran into their waiting arms.
One of them pushed her away and stared at her neck. “Oh my God, Sheena, you’ve been hurt. There’s blood all over you. The cops will get an ambulance for you. I called them when Joe was being a dick and smashing stuff.”
The young women ushered Sheena away, oblivious of the hunters. Vincent could influence people’s thoughts since becoming a vampire. He heard rumors the witches could do the same, and now he knew it was true. He stuck to the shadows as he followed Adele and her friend back up the lane.
Many of the young people had dispersed once the police arrived, and Adele and her friend made their way to their van unnoticed. Adele drove off, and Vincent followed. The women were smiling when they went back inside Adele’s flat. He watched from across the street as Adele came to the window and pulled the curtains.
Vincent shuddered at what he had witnessed. He’d traveled to Bath to meet his one true love. What he witnessed instead was a hunter in action. Adele performed her job with such skill and finesse, he deluded himself thinking this woman would ever consider being with him.
After more than two hundred years,
the fates had chosen to play the cruelest trick of all.
Chapter 4
The taxi pulled up at the hotel, and Adele paid the driver. She made the error of glancing at her reflection in the glass door to the foyer.
What were you thinking? This outfit is a big mistake.
She should’ve known better than to trust Carla to choose her clothes. This was a business dinner with an incredibly rich and handsome man. She should have worn a smart little black dress. Adele rolled her eyes, peering at the split in the dress which went way too high, and her cleavage, out there for the world to see.
Carla had said, “If I had your boobs, I’d put them out where they can be seen, not hiding them under baggy tops.”
Adele approached the reception desk, thinking a baggy top would be perfect right now. Though the beautiful deep red dress fit around her hips and made her butt look good, the deep V between her breasts had gapped apart. Even the doorman noticed as he tried to avert his eyes. Maybe she had a safety pin somewhere, and could clip it together.
She fumbled in her purse as the concierge dealt with the woman in front of her. Vincent’s message had stated the two of them would be dining privately. He said he would meet her at the reception. Her hands were shaking and yet she didn’t usually get nervous. Finding a pin, she peered down at herself. The pin was too small and would never hold. What she needed was an industrial strength fastener—
Someone said her name in a deep voice. She automatically looked up, and there he was. Vincent Blake, as big as life. All six-foot-plus of him, and toned from head to toe. His beautiful blue eyes and smile had her tongue tied. If he wanted to whisk her off somewhere quiet and ravish her, she would not be complaining.
“Business meeting, business meeting.” Adele whispered the words, but didn’t believe them for a minute.