Never Give Up on Love (The Soul Mate Tree Book 7) Read online

Page 5

  “Sorry, what did you say?” He raised an eyebrow.

  Damn. Adele was sure he heard her. Being so handsome, he must realize his effect on women. ‘Blubbering mess’ would be a good description for her right now.

  “Hi, Vincent.” Adele started to shake his hand, and realized she was still holding the open safety pin. “Sorry.”

  Adele closed it and shoved it back in her purse. She crossed her fingers and hoped he wouldn’t ask what she planned on doing with said pin.

  “We’re dining in the private residence at the back of the hotel, but we can have a drink at the bar first. The chef said he’d let me know when everything is ready.” Vincent scanned her from head to toe as he spoke. She did the same to him, and they both grinned when their eyes met.

  “I can see you have an eye for clothing,” he said. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.” Oh hell, that sounded like some yokel. All she needed to add was an ‘aw, shucks.’

  She would have to give Carla some credit for the dress. He said she looked beautiful, and Adele couldn’t remember anyone saying something like that to her before. Does he want to rip the dress off? Because I wouldn’t complain.

  Following Vincent to a quiet corner of the bar, she took a seat while he ordered drinks. His clothes were immaculate, and the jacket alone would probably pay for the deposit on her flat. This gorgeous man gave her another smile, and she tried to ignore her racing heart, as well as other areas that were growing decidedly hot.

  “I want tonight to be informal, Adele. I hope I can convince you to come and work for us. If you’re happy, I can get my accounts department to send you the contracts next week. Over the past few months I’ve studied your work, and believe we would be a good fit together.”

  Okay. He’s talking business which is good. Adele kept picturing him naked, certain she could be a perfect fit next to him anytime he wanted.

  The photo shoot she could do with him would be amazing. Of course, she would never share those pictures with anyone. She wanted to pick up the serviette and fan herself, no doubt blushing like a beet.

  The waiter brought over her drink. Adele wanted to gulp it down to calm her nerves, but they still had dinner to go. She caught him looking at her breasts, twice. It felt good to have a man appreciate her after such a dry spell.

  “So, tell me a bit about yourself. I’d like to know the real you, and not just the Curriculum Vitae.” Vincent relaxed back in his chair.

  What to say now? Adele bit her bottom lip for a moment. It had been a long time since she'd been to an interview. She sure as hell wasn’t going to say anything about her hunter role. The poor guy would run a mile if she started with, tonight’s bag has a lipstick in it, but I usually carry wooden stakes.

  “I’m a local. I grew up in Bath, and I’ve based my business here. I love the city and its architecture, and how it blends the past with the modern. My family has lived here for years, too. What about you?”

  Adele wanted information she might not get on the internet. How about, do you have a girlfriend? Would you like one or just some mad crazy sex for the night?

  “I live outside of London. Tristan and I have a house with some land.”

  Adele thought back to the images of him online. He’d been in pictures with lots of women, but now she wondered if he and Tristan were more than business partners. The thought cooled her nether regions a bit, just as their waiter returned to let them know their meal was ready.

  Adele followed Vincent through the property to a small villa in the gardens at the back of the house. He pulled out a chair, seating her as the wine was poured and the first course served.

  The food looked and smelled amazing.

  “So how did you and Tristan get into the tailoring business?”

  “We’ve known each other a long time, and Tristan has amazing style. When we couldn’t find the clothes we liked to wear, we decided to open a shop where we could make our own. Tristan came from a wealthy family, and took me on like his little brother.”

  Not gay then. “And your family? Were they in the tailoring business?”

  “My family died before I met Tristan. I went off the rails a bit and he helped me at a difficult time.”

  She was surprised he opened up so much. He talked more about the business as they enjoyed the main course. She didn’t know if it was the wine, but she could sit here all night and listen to him. His voice made her shiver in delight with its deep tones. Then again, Adele would be content for him to whisper sweet nothings to her all night, as well.

  She needed to get herself on track. “I’ve looked at some of your previous season’s shows, and the clothes are fantastic. I look forward to photographing them,” Adele gushed, but it was true. The clothes were incredible.

  Dessert was served and it was the most amazing sight she had ever seen. The plate in front of her contained a golden ball. It looked so pretty she didn’t want to destroy the illusion by eating it. She cracked the shell to release the chocolate mousse inside. The waiter left them, and Vincent poured another glass of wine.

  Thank goodness she’d ordered a taxi. She was still sober, but over the limit. Maybe she could suggest staying the night. It was probably not the best way to start a business relationship. Damn common sense.

  The mousse melted on her tongue as she closed her eyes to savor. Adele groaned with delight and then realized she’d done it out loud. She opened her eyes. Vincent grinned, then his eyes shifted over her until they focused on her breasts.

  Adele lifted her glass and drank to cover her embarrassment.

  “I’m glad you like it, Adele. It’s nice to see someone show their pleasure at something so openly.”

  “I wish I could cook like this, and make someone groan in pleasure.” Damn. Too late she realized what she had said, as Vincent raised an eyebrow.

  She needed a drink. As she picked up her wine, her hand knocked into Vincent’s glass, toppling it from the table. The red wine spilled into his lap and all over his expensive pants. Vincent stood, with a gasp.

  “Shit, I’m sorry.” Adele jumped up and grabbed the serviette off the table. She leaned forward to dry his lap before she thought about what she was doing. Dear God. He might be wet, but he was also hard, and her hand shot back as if burned. She couldn’t look him in the face. Mortification wafted over her. No doubt she was red from chest to earlobes.

  “Adele. It’s okay. Please look at me.”

  His deep voice took on a commanding tone and she inhaled deeply, glancing up. Her dream job was disappearing before her eyes. He chuckled, and his beautiful blue eyes made her relax a bit.

  This gorgeous, slightly wet man took her hand in his and squeezed gently. “I’m sorry for my aroused state. It’s not exactly the way a gentleman should behave. You’ve been a delightful guest, and it was an accident with the glass.” He flicked a glance to his privates.

  Adele peeked down to see there was no longer a bulge in his pants. She wasn’t surprised, certain he’d be feeling decidedly damp right now.

  “I’m so clumsy, and I swear I’m not like this on a shoot. I’m always organized, and I’ve never dropped a camera in my life.” Where was her strong, independent hunter side when she needed it? She was babbling, and couldn’t stop the words tumbling out.

  He stretched out his free hand and laid a finger against her lips. It was such a simple yet sensual action, making her breathing increase as he shifted closer. Oh my God. Is he going to kiss me?

  She really hoped so.

  Wrapping his arm around her waist, he tugged her close. Their bodies touched, and she felt him, aware he’d hardened, his erection pressing against her core. His eyes were on her lips, and hers dropped to his. She wanted to kiss him so badly, and if he pulled away now, she’d be disappointed. He moved close
r, until his cool breath caressed her face.

  His lips moved across hers from side to side, with a feather-light touch that tickled and made her yearn for more. He pressed gently, and his tongue swept across her lower lip as if encouraging her to open to him. Adele’s heart beat in time with his.

  Vincent’s other hand went around the back of her neck and tangled in her hair. His tongue invaded her mouth and dueled with hers. What started off as a gentle kiss became a passionate embrace, one she didn’t want to end.

  His hand on her lower back pressed her so close, his erection against her center, making her ache between her legs. She’d been without a man for way too long, and this one was gorgeous, hard, and hot for her.

  And an amazingly good kisser.

  Her hands slid down his back and over his buttocks. If he wanted to throw her on the floor and have his wicked way with her, she wouldn’t stop him. Job be damned.

  Then the kiss stopped as quickly as it began, and he stepped away. Adele leaned forward as she opened her eyes. She tried to read his expression. Had she done something wrong? He’d pressed his lips together hard, rubbing his chin with one hand, staring down at the floor.

  Was the kiss that bad?

  When he finally looked up and dropped his hand, his countenance gave nothing away.

  He probably wore the same expression at business meetings so his opposition wouldn’t know what he thought. Words simply failed her, for her mind had gone blank.

  “I’m sorry, Adele. I’ve been totally unprofessional. Let me escort you to reception and order you a taxi.”

  She wanted to say she wasn’t sorry. That she wanted to feel his hard body pressed to hers, but he didn’t wait for her response, instead leading her to the door. The silence in the lift was unbearable. She needed to say something.

  Finally she managed, “Please, send me the bill for the dry cleaning.” She could feel herself going red at the memory of his hard-on. The poor man would walk to the front desk with his crotch still looking damp, as if he’d wet himself. He’d buttoned up his expensive jacket, so it hardly showed, but he would smell like a drunk on the street.

  “There’s no need. The hotel can deal with it. I’ll be returning to London tomorrow afternoon. Thank you for dining with me.” He stared unflinchingly at the lift doors.

  “Thank you for giving me the opportunity.”

  How could they feel this awkward after kissing passionately a moment ago? The truth was, they were total strangers, and he was a prospective client. She had overstepped the mark, but so had he.

  She followed him to the reception desk where he ordered the taxi. Vincent turned to her and held out his hand for her to shake.

  “I’ll discuss the shoot with Tristan to see if he thinks we can work together. I still hope it’s possible.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer but turned on his heel. Adele watched his tall form stride away and figured she might have blown her chance at not only a great job, but possibly amazing sex.

  Carla was going to give her hell.

  ~ ~ ~

  At home, she yanked off the revealing dress and slipped into her flannelette PJs. Now she didn’t look so sexy. When sleep eventually came, she dreamed of Vincent. She kissed him, and this time it went further as he undressed her slowly and worshiped every part of her body.

  She woke up with an ache between her legs. One that had no chance of being satisfied by him, ever. Certainly not after last night.

  Giving up on sleep, she dragged herself out of bed and booted up her computer. Working on her current job, a family portrait set for a local business identity, might keep her mind off Vincent Blake.

  Except it didn’t work.

  The intercom buzzed, and Adele cringed. No doubt Carla, with an interrogation. Carla walked in with croissants. “Uh oh. From the expression on your face, it didn’t go well. Spill the beans.”

  Adele explained the evening’s events as Carla made coffee. Her stomach clenched when she thought about what had happened.

  “You gave him a hard-on. That means he liked you.” Carla shot her a thumbs-up.

  Adele shook her head at Carla’s reasoning. “It means my tits were falling out of the dress you chose. From his brush-off at the end, I don’t think I’ll be seeing him again.”

  “Was he a good kisser?” Carla sat down and sipped on her coffee, waiting for more gossip.

  “He was the sort of kisser who makes your toes curl. I would’ve been happy if he’d taken me up against the wall, but I think the wet crotch I gave him wasn’t as much of a turn on. He was a prospective client. What was I thinking?”

  Carla laughed. “You weren’t thinking. At least not with your head. I suppose this means I’ll never get to meet the sexy Tristan. You owe me.”

  Adele needed the sex more than Carla did. “I think you’ll survive. Now give me more food. If no one is going to see this body, I might as well pig out.”

  Adele plopped down at her computer as she shoved the piece of jam covered croissant into her mouth. The flavors melting on her tongue, she nearly groaned, recalling her reaction to dessert just hours ago.

  She checked her emails to see if there was more information on the Longleat job. At least one pay packet would be guaranteed. At the moment she needed to forget V.T of Saville Row and its hunky owner.

  Yay. The money would be transferred to her bank for the Longleat job. She had a few other emails about prospective jobs she needed to answer.

  Her computer pinged as a new email popped up.

  “Oh hell.” Adele bit her bottom lip as her hand hovered above the mouse.

  Carla peered over her shoulder.

  “Well, are you going to open it?”

  “I don’t think I want to. It’s probably his dry-cleaning bill or the cost of a new pair of bespoke made pants. I’ll need to take out a mortgage to cover the expense.”

  Carla reached over, grabbed the mouse, and opened the email.

  It wasn’t from Vincent. Adele breathed a sigh of relief, as well as being disappointed at the same time. It was from his personal assistant, and there was a contract attached. She was being offered the job.

  Uncaring if Vincent felt sorry for her, she jumped up, screamed, and twirled around with Carla.

  “We’re going to Norway!”

  Chapter 5

  Vincent should’ve listened to Tristan’s warning, that getting close to Adele would be a bad idea. The problem was he couldn’t stay away. He could have had a stake sticking through his heart right now.

  From the moment he’d walked into the lobby of the hotel, he wanted to take her into his arms, kiss her . . . and so much more. She was a genuine person, and he was a lie. The more she revealed tidbits about her family, the more he wanted to be a part of her life. The dress she wore accentuated her lovely curves, and he thought her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  Vincent wanted his skin next to hers. Longed to be inside her. His cock had been rock hard when she’d tipped over her glass.

  She’d gone red with embarrassment, and the moment she’d discovered his erection, he wanted to ease her tension. She’d seemed as keen as he was for a kiss, but then he made the mistake of letting his passion take over.

  He’d only just managed to push her away before his fangs punched through his gums. He’d covered his mouth, hoping she hadn’t noticed. Then came the torturous journey to the reception desk. In truth, he’d wanted to stop the lift between floors and pound her up against the wall until she screamed in pleasure, then take her into his arms and tell her he’d never given up on love, knowing he’d find her one day.

  She would’ve been freaked out.

  The contract for the photographic assignment could make up for his indiscretion. Adele wasn’t only a beautiful woman, but good at her job. Her por
tfolio contained some impressive work, but Adele could also kill vampires. She was methodical, and he’d been careless to forget that side of her while they ate their meal.

  Perhaps he would spend the day at home browsing the new designs for the following winter’s season. It might stop him thinking about Adele.

  It didn’t.

  Mid-afternoon, Tristan returned from London. Vincent straightened in his chair, listening to the slam of the front door, waiting for the storm to burst when his friend entered the room. Tristan tromped straight to the brandy, which wasn’t a good sign. It wouldn’t fill his stomach, but would calm his anger.

  Vincent doubted blood would help either at the moment.

  “So, what’s wrong? Or are you going to fume until I see steam coming out of your ears?” he asked.

  Tristan took a gulp. “Two things have happened. It seems our friend Rushton has become tired of losing his newly changed, and is going on the attack. The rumor is, he’s turning even more so he can have an expendable army in the fight to come.”

  “We guessed this was coming. What’s the second thing?” Vincent expected the outburst to be about him and Adele, but there were bigger issues at stake here. His ideas of romance would be forgotten for now.

  “It appears our illustrious Elect Vampires have decided we’re expendable too. The Elect will offer no help in the fight to come, and a member of the High Council has asked to convene with our group tonight.”

  Fury, at his own kind, filled Vincent. Like all the vampires sired by Henry Rushton, he needed to control his anger. He would not become like the tainted and let such aggression and hunger rule him.

  Vincent poured himself a brandy as well. “If Rushton is allowed to take over London, he’ll see it as a win and spread out his reach. If we’re gone, it will only be a matter of time before he goes after the Elect.”

  “I spoke to the Council earlier, and they don’t want to listen. Humans aren’t the only ones to put their heads in the sand.”